update: W, +0.6 pts overall for everyone

Name Peer Grade Teacher Grade Peer Feedback Teacher Feedback
Alex 3.0 2.8 Really great work Alex. Your fastpages and python simultaneous servers ran perfectly and you showed live changes on both of them. You went above and beyond by creating a survey based on the video we watched and analyzed data about students’ anxiety in school. The usage of the Google Sheets iframe was a really cool way to showcase our learning on our Python site, and your blog covers additional statistics that we gathered. The longer video was also really helpful for me to get a full understanding of your weekly progress. This is 3.0/3.0 material! good tansitions and easy to follow on changes.
Safin 3.0 2.8 This was very good safin! I really like the concision on your video and how you included the google form. I think that it was very cool that you went above and beyond to add an API to the collaborative repository. I also really liked the form idea because it helps apply the knowledge from the video to our own school. I also really liked the way that you analyzed the data because it really shows me how prevalent this problem is in our own school. covered key concepts like survey extra. suggest moving mouse less
Kalani 2.7+ 2.6 I liked the notes that you wrote about the mental health awareness. Your video is also very clean and straight forward, however I found some errors that you made when talking which is why I did not give you 100%. The Survey that you linked and the information needed to read it was also very unique and interesting. Incorrect word or activity associated with docker at beginning. Not sure you talked about GitHub.
Navan 2.7+ 2.7 I think that you deserve a 2.7+ because you did a very nice job with the notes on each video as well as the collaboration notes and an extra survey based on the psychology of a good life. Nice ideas for change. Realization of changes not real clear in video. Seems like you hit on key items.