Project Plan

We were initially planning to create a website that allowed users to post inspirational quotes and like their friends’ posts. However, we wanted to incorporate a random quotes API into our project and decided to change it. The design we came up with after hours of tireless work is shown below.

Design Work

After hoco, we all came to my crib and drew this up on an iPad. Then, we transferred it to a Google Drawing as shown. The adjusted plan includes random quotes that people can like rather than posting their own.



As you can see, the design shows inspiration quotes from prevalent speakers such as DJ Khaled and Martin Luther King Jr. This satisfies the Collegeboard criteria as follows:

Program Purpose & Function

  • A website to display random inspirational quotes
  • Users can create accounts and save quotes by liking themm

Data Abstraction

  • The only state being stored in this application is user and like data
  • Data will be stored in a relational database (SQLite, for example)
  • Data will be accessed using the sqlite3 library, a Python interface for SQLite

Managing Complexity

  • Usage of the reccomended Flask folder structure for application (separate module with __init__ file)
  • Python dependency/env management using PyEnv (Pipfile-based package locking)

Procedural Abstraction

  • Separate functions and HTML templates for different views
  • Quote API abstraction using a function to access the RapidAPI repeatedly
    • Potential issue: server using the same key for all requests could cause rate limiting errors

Algorithm Implementation

  • Following/followers DB setup:
Following SQL table:
- User ID (foreign key to users table)
- Follower ID (foreign key to users table)
- Unique/primary key as (userid, followerid)


  • Use of print statements to debug API issues
  • Use of pytest built-in Flask testing framework to ensure HTML pages are rendered correctly