I got a 49/50 on my final:

I got this question wrong:

In order to interchange the values at indexes j and k respectively, the procedure works as follows:

  1. Create a duplicate list of the list provided in the function parameters
  2. Set the element at index i of the new list to the element at index j in the old list and vice versa
  3. Return the new list

Therefore, answers C and D are incorrect. We’re left with deciding between range(s) for j and k in answer choices A and B:

The value of j must be between 0 and the value of k, inclusive OR The values of j and k must both be between 1 and LENGTH(numList), inclusive.

It is known that j and k must be valid list indices of the list provided in the parameter. It is assumed that the list accesses are accessing by position rather than index because LEN(numList) is an invalid index. Therefore, B is possibly correct. There is no explicit boundary set for j such that it must be less than k. j and k should be interchangable because they are being used to swap two elements in a list (swap(a, b) should be equivalent to swap(b, a)).

Therefore, the correct answer must be answer choice B.