Unit 2

Bits: 1 or 0

Byte: collection of 8 bits

Hexadecimal: base-16 number representation

Unsigned integer: positive integer or 0

Signed integer: any integer

Boolean: true or false

ASCII: single-byte character encoding

UTF-8: four-byte character encoding

RGB: 3-byte color representation

Lossy compression: intentionally removing redundant data; reduces quality

Losslessc compression: maintains quality but reduces size using complex algorithms

Unit 3

Variables: store a value known at runtime

Data Types: types of values–int, bool, function ptr

Assignment operator: ‘=’ sign

Lists: sequentially ordered collection of data

2D Lists: list of lists

Dictionaries: collection of key-value pairs

Class: template for obejcts with associated methods

Sequence: an ordering of events or code

Selection: conditional statements

Iteration: repeating certain blocks of code

Expression: a literal expression??

Comparison operators: eq, lt, gt, le, ge

Boolean expressions: AND, OR, NOT

Truth table: table of outputs for a logic gate

String: collection of character

Concatenation: combining two strings

Upper: uppercase of string

Lower: lowercase of string

Traversing strings: looping through characters

If/Elif/Else: examples of selection performed on boolean expressions

For/While: examples of iteration perfomed on a collection of statements

Break: break out of a loop

Continue: continue to the next iteration

Procedural abstraction: creating highly specialized and modular functions

Def/Parameter/Return: parts of python function definition