
Score: 63/66

Question 43

Based on the values in the table, which of the following best characterizes the algorithm for very large values of n?

A. The algorithm runs in reasonable time. B. The algorithm runs, but not in reasonable time. C. The algorithm attempts to solve an undecidable problem. D. The algorithm attempts to find an approximate solution whenever it fails to find an exact solution.

I put B, but the correct answer was A. Realistically, polynomial time is not reasonable for large inputs. Apparently, CollegeBoard thinks it is.

Question 41

Which of the following could be used in the procedure to calculate a student’s total points earned in the course and store the result in the variable adjustedTotal?

I put C, but the right answer was B: adjustedMax <- Max(midtermScore, finalScore) + finalScore. I got this wrong because I picked the one where the midterm score was added. However, that is incorrect because the midterm score was the one being replaced.

Question 30

Which of the following best approximates the amount of time it takes the program to execute?

A. 1 hour B. 2 hours C. 4 hours D. 5 hours

I put C, but the right answer was D. I missed the call of Analysis on line 1 and only counted the iterations of the loop.